Web design solutions for the right clients

By January 19, 2017News

Web design evolves fast.

New technologies are adapted faster than some thought previously. I think here in Greece, there are some new designers who push forward the rest to shape their future designs based on these new technologies.

Many people use “traditional web experience” as their professional presence online. Some are bold enough to innovate alongside their designers and strategies analysts. These are the professionals who create new standards, those who risk sometimes win more than what they’ve risked.

Reputation is the most expensive asset.

Always I prefer to keep my reputation on innovation seeker and design solutions expert, than to stand still and wait the competition to step forward.

Being a visionaire and always think positive about new design challenges makes me feel alive. This is how I feed my imagination.

Lately at Ax-Easy, I’ve experienced some challenges from myself and my company’s look that make me think of the new web, let’s call it Web 3.D (more to come soon with examples)

Happy new year to all, I hope 2017 to bring new challenges in design and projects that will need innovation and brainstorming more than normal.

All the best!

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